
About Anne

My spiritual journey started when I discovered a local yoga class and through this I found new friends and developed a deeper interest in spirituality. I've been training for over 24 years in many disciplines, from Hatha Yoga to Zen Yoga, to traditional Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki to Zen Mindfulness and Meditation.

Mindfulness courses

Mindfulness can help you let go of thoughts, emotions and daily challenges, it can help you cope with stress, anxiety and pain. […]

Writing a meditation diary

Meditation deepens the breathing, relaxes tense muscles, reduces anxiety, relieves pain, helps you to recover from stress. Practicing regularly brings greater clarity, a sense of calm and peace of mind, it can lower blood pressure, decrease the heart rate and reduce cholesterol.  […]

Mini meditation for stressful days

If you find you are having a really stressful and busy day, why not use your break time to have some proper time out! Time not just away from your work, but away from your busy mind. The chances are that most of the time, you go and make a drink and drink it while doing other tasks and thinking about many different things. You don’t even notice that you’ve [...]

My Zen Meditation and Mindfulness for Insight experience

In the Zen Meditation and Mindfulness for Insight course we use a Koan meditation where we ask the question “Who am I”, I have been practicing this myself along with the other methods offered on the course and I thought I would share some of my diary with you here. […]

Practicing the body scan meditation

Doing a short body scan meditation at the start of a meditation, yoga or relaxation session is a great way to bring the mind to the present moment, focussing on the here and now. It brings our awareness to the body and allows the tension to gradually release letting us relax and let go. […]

Grounding and connecting meditation

Grounding is a way of bringing your thoughts back to your body and mind in the present moment, balancing the spiritual with the physical, so that you not only feel calm from meditation but are connected to the earth and living in the present moment. […]

How to start being mindful

Focussing on your breath is the first step to becoming more mindful. Just spend a few minutes watching the in and out of the breath – feeling the sensations in the body and the movement of the breath. […]

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