Zen Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a way more that just being aware, it’s about being kind to yourself, releasing judgements and self criticism, so that you can notice with a clear and open mind, any sensations, emotions, thoughts or tensions in the body and begin to accept yourself just the way you are.

The aim with zen mindfulness is to bring our meditation practice into our daily lives, so that we can cope better with stress, be more aware of our needs and begin to make positive changes, so we can feel more at ease.

Zen and Tibetan Buddhist Meditation

I offer meditation methods from the Rinzai Zen and Tibetan Buddhist traditions which come from the Mahayana path or The Big Raft, also known as Buddhism for the people. These meditations offer practical, helpful and useful ways to get to know yourself better and find a deeper contentment and satisfaction with life.

See below for class details and visit the Book a Class page to save your space.

Courses and workshops

Zen Meditation (monthly – 1st Wed of the month)

Zen meditation is a monthly class, where we will explore different zen methods including the 4 divine abodes of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and peace, as well as energy based methods and insight practices to improve health and wellbeing.

Zen mini retreats (seasonal – March, June, Sept, Dec)

A chance to connect with your inner stillness and internal Ki energy to bring healing, balance and harmony to body and mind. We practice a range of methods that are broken up into short practices of sitting, laying, walking and stretching mindfully. The aim is to help you feel more grounded, settled and balanced, using methods to bring you calm, peace and tranquility.

Mindfulness for teachers – CPD (August 2024)

This training day is for yoga teachers, meditation teachers, reiki teachers, holistic practitioners and those who would like to add mindfulness to their classes or 1-1 sessions. Find out more at: http://createharmony.co.uk/mindfulnessforteachers/

Zen Compassion Plus

This course offers the 4 boundless practices of Ji – Loving- Kindness, Jihi – Compassion, Ki – Sympathetic Joy and Sha – Peace and Equanimity. Introduced by Zen Master Torei Enji and also offered by the Tibetan Buddhist traditions, these methods are said to be the 4 heavenly abodes, bringing you heavenly states of mind, as well as smoothing and speeding your spiritual progress.

Read more about this course here: http://createharmony.co.uk/zen-compassion-plus/

Zen and Buddhist Meditation (workshops)

Meditations from the Zen and Tibetan Buddhist traditions combining mindfulness, gentle movement and tuning inwards for deep contemplation and inner awareness. These workshops are for those who wish to tune in to their inner being and find a deeper connection within.

Create Calm with Mindful Living

Mindfulness is much more than just being aware of the present moment, it’s a useful tool for reflection, bringing kindness to ourselves and helping us make positive changes in our life. This course offers meditation, relaxation, affirmations and visualisations to help you blossom and grow.

Mindful Meditation

An informal meditation practice which provides an opportunity for the sangha (community) to practice together, to sit in meditation, to develop their mindfulness and be encouraged by being in a group.

Mindfulness for a beginners mind (4-week course)

Perfect for beginners, or those who wish to refresh their practice. A beginners mind opens you up to new possibilities and opportunities to discover more about mindfulness and about yourself. Discover more on the online learning page.

Zen Mindfulness for Wellbeing (4, 6 or 8-week course)

This course offers traditional Zen meditations along with mindfulness for daily life, to help you cope with difficult situations and improve your wellbeing. You will discover more about mindfulness and how to approach your life with kindness and awareness, bringing these practices into your every day experiences.

Zen Mindfulness for Insight (4, 6 or 8-week course)

This course allows you to create or deepen your practice, learn more about Zen, energy and grounding. We will look at the stages of insight and moving meditations, so that we can take our practice into our everyday life. The meditations allow you to journey inwards to discover your true nature and gain personal insights allowing you to feel happier within yourself.

About Zen courses

The Zen courses are offered by Zenways accredited teachers only and are unique as they are rooted in the Rinzai Zen tradition, which has a long history of teaching meditation methods that help boost physical and mental health, as well as developing insight and personal understanding.

The courses use centuries old Zen Buddhist practices, which are proven to work, not only by the length of time these practices have been around, but by Oxford University, who are doing a study into the “Influence of Mindfulness and Meditation on overall life satisfaction.”