Mindful living – a reflective journey

Would you like to be more mindful and find ways to take care of yourself, so that you can feel happier and healthier? Then why not try my Mindful Living course.

Mindfulness is much more than just being aware of the present moment, it’s a useful tool for reflection, bringing kindness to ourselves and helping us make positive changes in our life.

  • When we notice harsh self talk, we can start to bring kindness to ourselves.
  • When we are aware of the things that nourish us, we can start to do more of those nourishing activities.
  • When we are mindful of how our body reacts to stress, we can start to relax and let go.
  • When we stop and notice our thoughts flowing, we can give ourselves space.

There are many ways we can bring mindfulness into our lives in order to make those positive changes.

A journey of reflection and exploration

The Mindful Living course is a journey of reflection and exploration, it offers you a chance to reflect on your needs, to be mindful of what actions you would benefit from in your life right now, and to start to create more positive habits in your life.

We will explore a range of methods, such as relaxation techniques, meditation practices, movements to release tension, mindfulness, affirmations, visualisations, journalling, creativity and gratitude. Explore which activities are the best ones for you and start to bring those into your life on a regular basis.

The aim is to help you tune in to your body’s innate wisdom and find within yourself the internal knowledge that instinctively knows what is best. This may take time to arise, so I provide guidance along the way and some useful tools that may help you on your journey.

Just like going to the gym, practicing these methods regularly have the most benefits. Let’s take this journey together, to develop nourishing activities, so that you can feel happier and healthier within.

The next course

The Mindful Living online course is now available for you to take part in at your own pace.

The course includes:

  • An introduction to ‘Mindful Living’
  • Week 1 – Preparing the ground
  • Week 2 – Planting positive seeds
  • Week 3 – Nurturing your practice
  • Week 4 – Growing and blossoming
  • Guided meditations, relaxation and visualisations
  • Videos for gentle movement
  • Creative ideas to do alongside the course
  • Plus – A bonus workshop – ‘Transform and Grow’


Mindful Living workshop – TBC

Meditation, relaxation and mindfulness to help you flourish, grow and blossom.

Join a nourishing space, where you can have some time to listen to yourself, to be more mindful and develop helpful habits that bring you more happiness and wellbeing.

You will be offered:

  • Fresh green tea on arrival
  • Mindfulness for a flourishing mindset
  • Gentle Mindful Movement
  • Nourishing meditation and relaxation
  • Plus a little gift to take away with you

To book your place go to the “Book a class‘ page or enail Anne at createharmonyiow@gmail.com