Zen means ‘meditation’ and Taiso is Japanese for ‘exercise’, so Zen Taiso is a way of practicing ‘moving meditation’ or ‘mindful movement’.

Taiso is often practiced in Zen temples, as part of their daily exercise, as it helps to prepare the body for sitting meditation. Methods may include Zen Yoga, breathing into the hara and movements for the meridian lines in the body, allowing energy to flow.

Taiso can be practiced by counting to ten in Japanese for each set of movements, assisting the body, mind and energy connection. It focusses the mind and creates a deeper awareness of the body and energy within.

Here, I share a short set of simple Taiso movements, which help release tension in the body and allow energy to flow.

(Please note that this is for demonstration purposes only, you should always consult a health professional before taking part in any form of exercise.)