
Plant positive seeds for your future self

“The light is expanding, and the earth is awakening, bringing transformation, regeneration, and renewal. Use the solar energy of the season to fire up your intention to initiate change. Let go of the old to make room for the new. This is a time of new beginnings.” (Yoga through the year, by Jilly Shipway) […]

My gift to you

At this time last year, I decided to offer you some simple methods to improve wellbeing, through my '3 Simple Steps to Wellbeing' talks on Soundcloud. These offer you some easy ways to bring calm and clarity into your life and start to change your mindset, to bring some self care and positivity into your life, in gentle, easy ways. This was my gift to you, but I encourage you [...]

Simple Steps to Wellbeing

How do we look after our wellbeing when we feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed? We are often bombarded with ways to take care of ourselves, to be better, do better and feel better. But it seems too much, so I wanted to offer easy steps to take care of ourselves, to look after our wellbeing in simple yet effective ways. From gratitude to mindfulness to breathing techniques, there are [...]

Calming our inner fear

The most terrifying thing I have ever done, is not something that most people would think of as terrifying, it’s simply facing the parts of me that scare me, the bits of me that bring up fear, vulnerability, panic, terror in everyday life. If I move away from my safe space, home, loved ones or my known comfort zone, fear sets in and my body reacts as if something terrible [...]

Practicing the body scan meditation

Doing a short body scan meditation at the start of a meditation, yoga or relaxation session is a great way to bring the mind to the present moment, focussing on the here and now. It brings our awareness to the body and allows the tension to gradually release letting us relax and let go. […]

Postive thinking

What are you grateful for? When you are bogged down with negative feelings or emotions, it is hard feel positive. However trying to see behind those feelings to the positive things in your life, can really help you work through those challenging emotions. […]

Listening to your body

Hello body how are you today? Treat your body as an old friend and listen to it carefully, start your day with a simple question and your body and mind will thank you by feeling more relaxed, calmer and happier. […]

Meditation balances mind, body and soul

Meditation can help you stay in the present moment, reduce those busy thoughts and calm the mind. This can help us deal with negative thoughts and emotions including self-doubt, fear, anxiety, anger or depression. […]

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