Energy flow in yoga and meditation classes

Japanese Energy Influences

How the energy methods from traditional practices influence my classes and how this energy can benefit your health and wellbeing.

Zen Yoga

Yoga means union and Zen means meditation

Zen is also a type of Buddhism practiced in the temples of Japan and movement was an essential part of being able to sit for long periods of meditation. Buddhist methods from China were brought into Japan and these included movement, energy methods and mindfulness known as daoyin. In Japan similar practices are called do-in and taiso and these influence our Zen Yoga practices, which bring together physical alignment with mindfulness and energetics, working with the meridians and energy systems of the body for wellbeing.

Zen Meditation

Meditation from the Rinzai Zen tradition

Zen meditation involves more than just a sitting practice, known as zazen, but also energising the body through mindful awareness, directing attention, breathing and movement. We often focus on breathing into the hara, an energy field in the belly, for grounding, inner strength and balance. From here we can expand our awareness and energy wider, bringing a sense of space, freedom, compassion, peace and understanding. We can then develop our insight to help us find our true selves.

Traditional Usui Reiki

Dr Usui’s method for spiritual healing

Reiki means ‘universal life force energy’, a spiritual energy used for healing. It involves five elements – gokai – the ideals or ways of living your life, kokyo Ho – breathing and meditation, tenohira – hands on healing, shirushi and jumon – spiritual symbols and mantras, as well as reiju – a blessing or attunement. Reiki energy methods are directed through meditation and mindful movement to connect you with your internal energy and universal energy, ready for hands on healing. These methods also influence my yoga and meditation classes.

Tibetan Buddhist Meditation

Lamrim – the steps on the path to enlightenment

The reiki symbols were originally painted onto wall hangings in Tibetan monasteries, where the Lama would concentrate on the symbols for purifying the body and mind and to raise consciousness and awareness. So, there is also an energetic link within Tibetan Buddhist Meditation. The meditation practices of lamrim offer guidance to reconnect us with our happiness and inner peace, they include directing our energy through relaxing the body, visualisation, breathing and mantras, leading you to a clearer state of mind.

Restorative Yoga & Mindfulness

Rest and restore the body, calm the mind

Restorative yoga is a gentle, mindful and relaxing form of yoga, that uses props, such as bolsters, blocks and blankets to rest the body over. There are also calming breathing techniques, meditation, mindfulness and relaxation methods to aid deep rest. The aim is to calm the nervous system to destress and unwind. It was originally a form of Iyenger yoga developed to help those recovering from injury or illness. This class directs energy towards deepening the breath, softening the body and calming the mind.

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and connect with your spiritual side, build your energy and improve your wellbeing

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One-to-one classes and Mindful Living Coaching are also available, contact Anne at to find out more.