
Spring Ki-Energy Yoga Workshops

Ki is a Japanese word meaning “life force energy”. Every living thing contains this energy and we can tap into this life force to calm and heal ourselves. Using Ki is a fabulous way to restore our energy levels and bring balance and harmony to the body, mind and soul. […]

Coping with anxiety

In my experience anxiety or worry over an event or situation is very different to suffering from a permanent state of anxiety. To suffer from anxiety is to feel in a constant state of fear, a bit like the feeling when someone makes you jump and your stomach jumps up to your throat, except that this feeling doesn’t go away, but stays in the body making you feel on edge [...]

Anjali Mudra, Prayer Pose or Gassho…

A mudra is a hand position or gesture that helps you to focus your attention and has a particular benefit or positive effect, for example; calming the body and mind or increasing energy levels within the body. […]

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